Elena Camblor González is a choral singer, choral conductor and music educator from Asturias (Spain), based in the UK.
In September 2021 Elena became the Choral Lead at In Harmony Opera North (ON), where she works with around 1500 primary school children every week. As a member of the ON Education department, she also acts as Choral/Vocal Delivery Artist in educational workshops and the Opera North – KS2 Singing Project:The Water’s Diviner’s Tale by Rachel Portman -2022 and 2023-, Wonderland Restored by Will Todd -2024 and 2025- and ON Family Festival days. She also occasionally works with the Opera North Youth Company ensembles (Children’s Chorus, Young Voices and Youth Chorus).
Since 2015, Elena has led workshops focused on introducing the world of choral music to adults and young people without experience in choir singing, getting in 2017, the opportunity to deliver these workshops at the Bocachica Centre for Young People in Bocachica, Dominican Republic. During 2022 and 2023 she also collaborated with the Instituto Cervantes of Leeds in delivering termly beginner adult choral singing courses.
From 2009 to 2020, Elena was a member of the Choral Project Voces Blancas del Nalón (Asturias, Spain). There, she discovered her love and passion to work with children and youth choirs. Over those 11 years, she performed as a choral singer, vocal coach, workshop leader, and co-founded and musically directed four of the choirs of the Project.
She studied under the tutelage of Simon Halsey CBE and Julian Wilkins, the MA in Choral Conducting at the University of Birmingham, from which she graduated in December 2021. Elena was awarded a scholarship by the Fundación Alvargonzález to pursue her postgraduate studies in music. After graduating in Economics at the University of Oviedo in 2017, she started developing her choral conducting education that same year with the Association of British Choral Directors (ABCD)—being mainly tutorized by Amy Bebbington.
In June 2023 she is selected as an active conductor in the 3rd Vocal Arts Academy Choral Conducting Masterclass specialized in children and youth choirs at The Hague, Netherlands. In 2024, Elena will be a Creative Learning Ambassador for the Benedetti Foundation.
As a singer brought up in the Asturian folk song singing tradition, and due to her desire for vocal versatility, she has collaborated and sung in groups specialising in the performance of varied styles of music. Elena also attended several summer schools and events, such as the 2018 Acting in Musical Theatre Summer School at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, the 2019 Oxford Summer Singing School led by Dr James Whitbourn, The 2019 King Singer’s UK Summer School and the Leading Voices event for vocal leaders in Utrecht in 2022.
Elena currently continues studying singing and acquiring knowledge about the voice.